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Vegetation Management Plan - City of Burnside

EBS Ecology was engaged by the City of Burnside Council to assist with developing the Hills Face Reserve Vegetation Management Framework 2019-2014, update vegetation mapping and assist with the production of GIS data sets and reserve management plans.

The project was aimed at producing a high level plan to act as a guide for the City of Burnside to manage its hills face reserves and roadsides for (1) both bushfire fuel reduction and (2) biodiversity protection and enhancement. As part of these works, EBS undertook the following tasks:

  • Reviewed the previous resources, management action plans and feasibility studies;
  • Updated and re-structured the existing Southern Hills Face Reserves Vegetation Management Plan 2012-17 (SHFR VMP);
  • Checked the currency and applied the principles to the entire hills face
  • Ensured the information was compatible with councils, GIS and external user platforms; and
  • Presented the information in a clear and accessible form that referred to a complimentary set of technical notes and reserve level management plans for more detail.