Additional Services
EBS Ecology works collaboratively with other specialists to provide customers even greater depth and single point of resourcing. These include providers with specialist expertise in the areas of:
- Engineering
- Hydrogeology
- Marine ecology
- Freshwater ecology
- Bushfire Planning
- Contaminated land
- Planning
- Landscape Architecture
- Stormwater Management
EBS Ecology has an excellent depth of skills and resources to offer your organisation.
- Short or long-term staff secondments:
- Environmental Scientists
- Ecologists
- GIS Officers
- Training
- Fauna identification
- Fauna management (eg; during trenching)
- Fauna handling
- Mapping (eg; weeds)
- Supporting materials
- Training manuals
- Identification guides (eg; pests, local flora and fauna)
- Workshops/Facilitation
- Project/Contract Management