Meet Our Team: Dr Marina Louter

Posted on June 01, 2018


With Alison going on maternity leave, Dr Marina Louter has stepped into the role of Projects Co-ordinator at EBS Ecology. Marina has worked with EBS Ecology as a casual employee, whilst she completed her PhD, over the last few years. She has quickly familiarised herself with the projects EBS Ecology is undertaking and starting to get to know clients.

Marina’s experience in the ecological field is varied having completed a Bachelors and Masters degree in Biology and Ecology at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. This was followed by further ornithological studies in Seychelles, Africa and then in Western Australia at the Australian National University. The work at ANU brought her to Australia and provided the opportunity for her to complete her PhD at Flinders University. Her PhD project was on the behavioural ecology of a nationally threatened endemic arid zone bird, the previously unstudied Thick-Billed Grasswren.

Marina’s attention to detail, knowledge, enthusiasm and friendly nature are just a few of the positive attributes that Marina brings to the role.