Port Adelaide Enfield Coastal Dune Rehabilitation
EBS Restoration has been undertaking weed control activities and revegetation within the coastal dune system that stretched from Semaphore South to Outer Harbour, a distance of over seven kilometres, for the past nine years. Over this time significant progress has been made in re-establishing native coastal vegetation communities and the control of herbaceous and woody weeds within. One of the most serious threats to biodiversity within the dune system is introduced species Trachyandra divaricata (Dune Onion Weed). This species is highly invasive and when established will outcompete most native species. Significant progress has been made in the control of this species. Population densities have been reduced dramatically, with it being eradicated from several locations. The weed control program is regularly reviewed by EBS Restoration staff and council representatives to ensure the allocated funding is spent in the most efficient way. Additional to the Trachyandra control significant time has been spent in the control of Euphorbia, Bridal Creeper, Boxthorn and Caltrop.
Approximately 250,000 native plants have been planted within the dune system since the inception of the program. This has seen a significant increases in biodiversity and aesthetic value of the area.